Your parents’ relationship isn’t your responsibility!

Your parents’ relationship isn’t your responsibility! I've had so many clients who try to fix their parents' marriage, taking sides when they should just be receiving love and support from both. As a child, you have the right to get love and care from both of your parents, but you also need to focus on your own love life. When you insert yourself into their issues, you’re creating a triangle that takes you away from being fully present in your own relationship. This means you’re not fully available for your partner.

I get that it can be difficult to witness a toxic or loveless relationship, but the truth is, you don't know everything that goes on behind closed doors when it's just the two of them. If you truly believe one of them is in danger, call for help, but remember to stay in your place—the role of the child. Your parents were adults long before you came into the picture. Even though it’s tough to step back, you have to understand that you aren’t responsible for fixing their marriage.

The best thing you can do is accept them as your parents and stay in your role as their child. You've been in a relationship before—you know that sometimes your friends think everything is perfect when you're secretly struggling, and other times they question your relationship when you’re actually happier than ever. You are the only one who knows what's really happening in your life, and it’s the same with your parents. Let them be, and stop using their problems as an excuse to avoid your own life. Trust them and trust their journeys—they’re not your responsibility, even if they’re struggling.

Much Love, 
Marine Sélénée 


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