From the desk of Marine Sélénée

Sparks of Inspiration

From a very young age, Marine has always had a little notebook by her side, either on her desk, nightstand, or in her bag. That little pinkish notebook with a cute, heart lock has evolved over the years, but her passion for writing and sharing her thoughts with openness and authenticity remains the same.

Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée


Are you afraid that happiness will slip through your fingers? How many of us fear happiness, love, joy, or abundance? How many of us choose the conventional path, fearing that if happiness were to disappear, the pain would be unbearable?

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

what anxiety looks like

We all have that cliché image in our minds of what anxiety is supposed to look like. But let me tell you—anxiety isn’t always what you expect. It can be dressed up, polished, even distant. People might mistake it for arrogance when, in reality, you’re just trying to feel safe within yourself.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée

interview en francais par la journaliste eloise maillot

La première chose que je leur recommanderais, c'est d'examiner leur arbre généalogique. C’est sans doute mon approche de thérapeute en constellations familiales qui parle, mais dans la plupart des cas, lorsqu'un même problème persiste ou qu'un comportement toxique se répète malgré une prise de conscience, cela dépasse notre simple volonté.

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Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée Notes from Marine Marine Sélénée


I'm well-known in my circle for being consistent and deeply committed to my health and well-being. While my daily routine might seem overwhelming to some of my girlfriends, for me, it's the balance that keeps me grounded. It's what helps me feel good, show up for my practice, and be present for my loved ones.  

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More Inspiration on Instagram @marineselenee