true happiness

We all have a vision, a plan, and we want it to unfold exactly as we picture it. But is that true happiness, or are we just trying to control what we think will make us happy? The truth that some don’t want to admit is that happiness can look however you want it to. It doesn’t have to be anything you’ve known before, and no one else has to understand it but you. True happiness flows with you, not against you. And sometimes, when your vision or plan gets derailed, it might actually be for the better. That detour could lead to a new job, a new place, a new opportunity, a new child, or even a new way of embracing your life and reconnecting with yourself.

Trust your instincts. When everything feels darkest, that’s when you need to look hardest for sparks of joy. Believe in the magic, see the magic, and follow it. Because sometimes, the person you never imagined would be yours is exactly your magic. The same goes for a place, a job, or an opportunity. Trust the magic of your life.

Much Love, 
Marine Sélénée 




Fertility Journey