I'm well-known in my circle for being consistent and deeply committed to my health and well-being. While my daily routine might seem overwhelming to some of my girlfriends, for me, it's the balance that keeps me grounded. It's what helps me feel good, show up for my practice, and be present for my loved ones.
When a new client asks, “Marine, how long will this take?” my answer is simple: A lifetime.
A lifetime of showing up for yourself, consistently. While the deeper work can be done in six months to three years, maintaining the results requires a routine that evolves with you—month by month, year by year. The key isn't perfection, but staying committed to what makes you feel good and nurtures self-love.
Here's the truth: you can't hit the gym once a month for six hours and expect results. Similarly, you can't fast for a week and then fill your body with junk food the rest of the month. The same principle applies to healing. Consistency is what creates lasting change.
Sometimes, I see clients who come once, then return six months later hoping for another quick fix. It doesn't work that way.
The real magic—the *miracle*—is you. You are your own healer, your own “witch”—just as I told a friend who recently asked if I knew of any magical beings who could fix her life!
Surround yourself with a village of people and practices that uplift you, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
When you embrace consistency in the areas you care about, life begins to flow with more ease. So, why not start now?
Much Love,
Marine Sélénée