
And this is my wish for all of you reading my words: to find that grace, that deep trust in life. Even though there will be moments when we question where it's headed, may you embrace the unshakable faith that it will always unfold exactly as it’s meant to.

2024 marks 10 years of my practice as a family constellations therapist. This year, I’ve decided to go back to school and study endobiogeny, which I’ll be incorporating into my current practice starting October 1st, 2025.

This is where I feel my alignment is calling me, and I can feel that mix of excitement and nervousness deep in my gut—it’s a combination of joy and a bit of fear.

Looking back over my last 10 years as a therapist, here’s what I’ve learned about alignment—through my clients, their stories, their pain, their struggles, their wounds—and through my own journey.

First, take a radical, honest look at your life. This, I believe, is the first step toward aligning with your true destiny. Be brutally honest with yourself about who you are, where you are, and the stories you've been telling yourself that no longer serve you.

Next, acknowledge where you are trying to fix someone or something that is beyond your control. As much as you can help yourself and your children, there will come a time when they no longer "need" you in the way they once did. Their struggles will be heartbreaking, and all you can do is hold space for them. I know, being a parent is a beautiful journey!

Taking full responsibility for your life means owning your actions, decisions, and behaviors. Stop blaming the past, your parents, your family, or anyone else. Yes, we encounter difficult people, but we always have a choice in how we respond.

And perhaps most importantly, love your life. Love who you are, where you are, and what you are doing. Embrace your true self without wondering if you are enough. You are. Period.

Alignment is an everyday practice. Ask yourself, “How can I find joy today?” and “What can I do to feel good?” Also, ask if your decisions are truly for you or for someone else. Trust that, even if you veer off course, the Universe (or whatever you believe in) will gently nudge you back on the right path.

Life is an act of balance. The thread of life is strong, but while walking on it, you may doubt its strength, its flexibility, and its foundation. Yet, you will keep walking. Even if it feels wobbly, you will continue, knowing that just around the corner, the beautiful ending awaits. And this is what keeps us moving forward—every day is a new opportunity for a beautiful conclusion.

I’ll leave you with a quote my grandfather sent us a few Christmases ago, a quote that truly shook me:  "The book of life is the supreme book, one that cannot be closed or reopened at will. We may wish to return to the page where we love, but the page where we die is already beneath our fingers." Lamartine ("Le livre de la vie est le livre suprême qu'on ne peut ni fermer ni rouvrir à son choix. On voudrait revenir à la page où l'on aime, et la page où l'on meurt est déjà sous nos doigts.")

Don’t let the next page of your life slip by without savoring it. Embrace your destiny, find joy, and wear a smile, knowing you fully embraced life. Don’t wait any longer.

As I reflect on these learnings and this quote, I’m in awe of how many incredible people have crossed my path over the past 10 years, making a difference in the world. You are the future—the doers, striving to leave this world a little better than you found it. You’re doing it: being better parents, better friends, better lovers. For this alone, you should always hold your head high.

Much Love, 
Marine Sélénée 


Fertility Journey


looking for and running away